
How Proxy compares to Kisi:


Cloud camera integration


Data export

Direct support

Directory integrations

Lockdown feature

Native mobile access

Public API

Remote unlocks

SAML SSO-enabled

⚠️ Important update

In February 2022 Proxy announced that it is shutting down its access control business. This means that they will no longer manufacture access control hardware nor sell or maintain their access control software and apps.

The company will focus on digital identity and transition to a Web3 company.

According to their co-founder and CEO, the company will focus on providing "a privacy-first, human-first digital identity experience that people feel comfortable and confident using every day". More details on their announcement can be found here.

Are you a current Proxy customer?

If you are looking for alternatives to Proxy's access control system, you have come to the right place. Switching to Kisi is incredibly easy and can be done in a cost-effective way. You can simply swap Proxy's hardware with Kisi hardware and keep all of the cablings in place and save on installation costs.

This document shows you how easy it is to install and set up Kisi if you have an existing system, such as Proxy.

Moreover, you would be switching to a future-proof solution that has been on the market for years and offers the most extensive features in the industry. For more information on how to transition to a new system, you can get in touch with our team.

About Proxy

Although no longer available as an access control system, below you can find our review of Proxy's solution based on when the solution was still sold and maintained by the company.

Proxy Hardware

Proxy access control technology is designed to integrate with a business's existing access control systems. Administrators have the option to manage both mobile access and key cards. The Proxy Mobile Reader Pro system, for example, allows employees to choose between mobile access or their existing credentials, such as major cards, fobs, and badges. Types of Proxy hardware include:

  • Mobile Reader Pro-- one option for door control; ideal for entrances, offices, server rooms, and garages
  • Mobile Reader Edge-- another smaller option for door control; ideal for offices, storefronts, meeting rooms, residential buildings, and gates
  • Mobile Reader Nano-- designed for turnstiles, elevators, and existing card readers

Pricing for Proxy depends on how many doors are in the workspace and the number of readers within the system. The hardware itself is competitively priced in the market, similar to Kisi’s costs, ranging from $300 to $350.

Major Features

Proxy gives out a “Proxy ID” in order to secure every individual’s digital identity. The company positions his signal as easy to use and private. The app works in the background of an iOS or Android operating system so there is no need to launch the app in order to enter a workplace, community space, or building. Information is only shared if a user specifically authorizes the sharing. Proxy ensures data is not compromised or exposed by only passing securely encrypted one-time tokens to sensors rather than one’s real identity and personal information.

Proxy bluetooth access control allows users to have the Proxy technology downloaded on their phone and have easy access as a result. Doors can be programmed to unlock when an authorized person is near.

Advantages of Proxy

Mobile Access: Once individuals receive an invite to Proxy via an email from an administrator, all they need to do is download the app and activate their Proxy Signal. That individual can then use Proxy to enter any space they are authorized to through the use of sensors. Additionally, users can use the app to look at what exactly they have access to.

Battery power: Proxy’s mobile app uses Bluetooth Low Energy, meaning a user can use the technology hundreds of times throughout the day without draining the phone’s battery.

Temporary Access: Users can grant access to others who need to enter a building, such as visitors, contractors, or delivery people, via a temporary QR code.

Disadvantages of Proxy

Heavily dependent on technology: Although the idea itself seems to encourage productivity and eliminate the hassle of finding a badge or key card, Proxy only works assuming a user has an operating phone with operating bluetooth. If the office doesn’t have a backup option integrated with Proxy technology like other companies like Kisi do, people without smartphones will not be able to unlock doors. Additionally, there is not a simple backup if someone’s phone runs out of battery or is forgotten somewhere.

Security vulnerability: A bug or power outage could have the power to lock employees out and cause a chaotic workplace. In terms of employees files, Proxy needs to work hard to ensure that hackers don’t gain access to this information.

Compatibility: Proxy is designed to work well with existing access control systems in order to increase efficiency, but there are only 9 access control companies listed on their website as compatible options. It’s important to make sure potential customers check before committing to see if their existing system would actually integrate well with Proxy.


Proxy offers smart security solutions that take advantage of consumers’ desire for ease and efficiency. By utilizing bluetooth technology, Proxy provides a system of mobile access that should aid efficiency in the workplace. Although Proxy is a strong company with a developed idea, consumers should consider the compatibility of this solution as well as the risks that may come with choosing Proxy for a building or workspace. An alternative to Proxy is Kisi, a company offering similar product features and cloud management technology.

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