Return to office trends: Occupancy data

Forecast return to office trends or support your business decisions with regularly updated, relevant office occupancy data. Subscribe to our weekly updates or contact us if you want to learn more about the methodology or get occupancy data for your office.

Average office occupancy rate in the US


Country-wide workweek average occupancy

Jan 27 - Jan 31

Compare average office occupancy rates with previous weeks

The data for the previous week is updated each Monday between 5 and 6 PM UTC. Last updated 2/3/25

What is the office occupancy rate?

We calculate the office occupancy rate by dividing the number of all daily unique unlocks by the maximum office capacity number. Read the methodology for more details.

Occupancy rate


Daily unique unlocks

Maximum office capacity

The unique unlocks number ensures that if the same Kisi user unlocks more than one office door or the same door multiple times during the day with the same or different access methods, they'll be counted only once. As the reference point for the maximum capacity, we use the 0.985 percentile of the highest number of daily unique unlocks in the past two calendar years, only including days with at least one daily unique unlock.

Office occupancy rates and data for informed decisions

Real estate and space utilization

Utilize US occupancy data and trends to guide decisions related to office spaces and real estate investment. Inform strategic planning and align your real estate portfolio and workplace strategies with national trends to stay agile and responsive.

Return to office & hybrid work

Review data on how organizations nationwide are adopting hybrid work models as a foundation for redefining your hybrid work strategy. Use the data to make informed decisions based on US trends and foster a successful office environment.

Workplace benchmarks

Ensure strategic decision-making and remain competitive and attractive to employees by comparing your office occupancy with regional and national trends. Stay informed, make data-driven decisions, and confidently navigate the evolving work landscape.

Most and least popular days for going to the office







Average occupancy

Change from previous week

Average office occupancy rate per workday

The average US office occupancy ranged between 47.4% - 57.91% per workday in the past week. Most employees worked from the office on Tuesday, while office spaces were the least busy on Friday.

Return to office trends based on industry




% change

All industries

Energy and Utilities


Fitness & wellness

Coworking & bookable spaces

Manufacturing & distribution

Education & e-learning


Professional services, finance & banking


Places of worship

Consumer Goods

Healthcare & labs

Shared Workspaces / Coworking


Real Estate, construction & architecture

Return to office trends based on industry

The return to the office for the past month is most prevalent in the Agriculture & agribusiness. In contrast, spaces in the Agriculture & agribusiness sector exhibited the lowest occupancy rate, suggesting more people practiced remote and hybrid work during the same period.

Return to office trends based on company size

Average location occupancy split by company size in the US during week of 1/20/2025 and 1/27/2025

Employee count



% change

All companies








Return to office trends based on company size

Companies with 25000+ employees lead the trend of returning to the office for the past month. On the other hand, companies with 25000+ employees incorporate more remote work based on last month's office occupancy rate.

Return to office US state trends

Average occupancy per weekday for locations in the US during week of 1/20/2025 and 1/27/2025

Back to work data from Kisi access control system data




% change


New York





Washington, D.C.

Return to office US state trends

New York is the return to the office leader for the past month based on the office occupancy reader of Kisi's access data. New York's emptier offices suggest a stronger tendency for remote work.

Most and least popular days for going to the office by state

Lowest occupancy vs highest occupancy by state


Occupancy for the lowest day

Lowest day during week of 1/27/2025

Occupancy for the highest day

Highest day during week of 1/27/2025


New York





Washington, D.C.

The past week, Washington, D.C. offices were the most empty on Friday in the US. The offices were busiest on Tuesday in Texas.


Office occupancy data, access control, and the return to office

The return to office vs hybrid and remote work debate is raging. Some leaders are urging employees back to the office, while others are trying to attract more talent by offering hybrid and remote conditions. The real estate market and trends are shifting daily.

To facilitate the return to office analysis and real estate planning, we are aggregating and analyzing anonymized unlocks - the most reliable source of office occupancy data supported by Kisi access control.

Sample and variables

To eliminate bias, we are aggregating anonymized data from all Kisi customers headquartered in the US. The 2500+ sample size ensures smaller error margins and lower deviation standards.

We calculate the occupancy rate by dividing the number of daily unique unlocks by the maximum capacity. We're counting all unique unlocks, including unlocks made with mobile access methods and physical credentials.

The unique unlocks indicate that if the same Kisi user unlocks more than one office door or the same door multiple times during the day with the same or different access methods, they'll be counted only once. As the reference point for the maximum capacity, we're using the 0.985 percentile of the highest number of daily unique unlocks observed over the past two calendar years, only including days with at least one daily unique unlock. For the average company, where unlocks typically occur on workdays, this corresponds to approximately one day per quarter with the highest number of unique unlocks excluded. We're doing this to minimize the error of determining capacity based on the highest number of daily unique unlocks that can be one-off occasions and not represent the real capacity, like an office party, family day, or meet-up. The office occupancy data is updated regularly, at least each Monday between 5 and 6 PM UTC.


Remote unlocks are counted towards the unique daily unlocks, implying higher capacity rates in some cases. Many Kisi customers use the Geofence restriction, which ensures that users must be in the vicinity of the office to unlock a door, reducing the probability of error.

To guarantee anonymized data, we're only considering the company's HQ when calculating occupancy data by state. Attributing all Kisi-secured office locations to the office HQ might skew the interpretations for location-based data.

Analyze your company’s occupancy data

Take advantage of Kisi's occupancy reports if you're looking for the best way to adapt to hybrid work, streamline operations, or utilize and monetize your office or building space. Generate our advanced occupancy reports when needed or schedule regular occupancy updates in your inbox. Get a demo to see how Kisi can help you streamline operations, optimize occupancy, and enhance security.

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Data team

Roman Vakhrenev – Data Analyst
Athanasios Zapatetas – Data Engineer

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