Kisi resellers | Events

Why Partner With Kisi? September 2022 Reseller Event Recap

Seven Kisi experts share useful access control insights and resources with resellers at the Exclusive September 2022 Kisi Partner Event.

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Why Partner With Kisi? September 2022 Reseller Event Speakers

Updated on July 17, 2023

Written by Vera Eftimovska

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Virtual events are fantastic for amplifying our vision of connecting people and spaces. The Exclusive Kisi Partner Event we hosted on the 21st of September proved just that.

Our Co-Founder and CEO, Bernhard Mehl, was happy to share his insights and answer questions on the latest access control trends. Our resellers also had a chance to hear more about Kisi's unique solutions and how best to sell the Kisi system straight from our Co-Founder and COO, Max Schuetz.

Joined by 5 additional Kisi experts, the event attendants acquired the resources they needed to gain new clients. If you are one of our partners that couldn't make it, you can always rewatch the recording at the link we sent.

If you are not a Kisi reseller yet, now is your chance to dig deeper into our access control world and get all the benefits being a Kisi partner entails. Fill out this form to become a Kisi reseller and watch the event while our team reviews your application.

Access control trends #

Having more than a decade of hands-on access control experience, Kisi’s CEO and Co-Founder, Bernhard, took the stage to share his insights on the current and future market trends.

Misconceptions #

Seeing the access control systems that many companies use nowadays, it’s understandable why most people have access control misconceptions. They think access control is something ugly, boring, and often useless, but also that it’s complex, badly designed, and annoying. Listen to the event to get some inspiration to turn these misconceptions into selling advantages with Kisi.

The access control market #

Kisi resellers can take advantage of a large and diverse access control market. Every company has an access control budget, and most still use outdated, barely functional, on-premise solutions that need replacing.

access control trends presentation

Access control trends #

Shift to hybrid work

Most companies implement or at least consider hybrid work, but rarely any have entirely figured it out. Bernhard shares more about the hybrid work challenges and how Kisi can help.

The move to mobile, cloud, and IoT

With multi-device working, companies need to optimize managing their employees’ mobile devices. Will this lead to increased productivity?

IT compliance

Access control is no longer a separate topic. As companies update their compliance, it falls under the umbrella of IT security.

Workplace automation and remote management

IT and workplace teams need to be able to remotely control or close all offices at all times with a solution like Kisi. With Kisi, they can be in total control of who, when, and where is on site.

The future of physical access control #


Physical access control companies can’t secure the future without a clear, inspiring vision. Curious to hear more about the advantages of being vision-driven?

Integrated in IT

The compliance trend boosts the IT shift in physical access control. How will physical access control further integrate with IT, and what will that lead to?


Separate physical security systems and tools that don’t work in sync are a thing of the past. With Kisi, admins can keep everything under control and get data in a single dashboard.


Most physical access control solutions still haven’t embraced the developer-driven future. Developer-driven tools like Kisi make product knowledge more available and facilitate integrations. Have you checked out Kisi docs?

Why Kisi #

Anyone interested in Kisi’s competitive advantages essential in selling Kisi should listen to Max’s presentation. As Kisi’s COO and Co-Founder, he shares his hands-on experience, emphasizing the successful use case of our latest game-changing product – the Kisi Controller Pro 2.

Seamless migration path #

The Controller Pro 2 opened many doors for migration paths at an individual pace. The pandemic brought many workplace changes, highlighting the need to upgrade the existing access control systems.

Max elaborates on a use-case involving upgrading and centralizing the existing access control system. This upgrade to Kisi required the old credentials to stay usable while syncing the existing access control system in some locations and adding Kisi to others. There’s the open opportunity of merging everything into one system in the future.

The pandemic and the hybrid work trends brought many changes, so many access systems need updating. If your clients are also looking to adapt their access control system to the new way of work, open more locations, or simply enhance their security, the Controller Pro 2 with Wiegand board is the way to go. Hear all the use case details from seamless Envoy integration to lower-cost and keeping their existing credentials.

Give your existing access system new powers

Unlock unlimited scalability by transitioning to a modern, cloud-based access control system.

Competitive advantage #

S – Support

Support is a big part of the solution. The Kisi support team is always there to listen carefully and look into all potential issues.

U – UX

We care about all our user experiences, from the end user to the admin and installer. Installers especially appreciate the simplicity and intuitiveness of the installation itself since it saves them time to make additional profit.

I – Integrations

Aware of the value integrations add to our clients, Kisi constantly adds new ones and is open to suggestions.

T – Technology

Paying close attention to our customers’ and resellers’ needs, we are rolling out new features, products, and product categories. Building a system that can adjust to the user behavior, the entire Kisi setup is very future-oriented in terms of scalability and anticipating new market trends.

Kisi software updates #

Kisi’s software expert, Elena, shares which new features we can expect. The goal, as always, is to increase functionality while keeping the Kisi dashboard user-friendly so everyone can understand and operate it.

Mobile app #

The mobile app updates offer a fresh new app look, simplified navigation, and admin features so they can manage access on the go.


Refined permissions management #

With the new cloud opportunities we offer, we prepare for customers with even bigger and more complex operations set-ups. We’re empowering admins with features like sharing granular access and an improved overview of user permissions.

Product roadmap highlights #

Watch the event to hear more about the exciting new features Kisi customers and resellers can look forward to this year, like holiday schedules, integration guides, and improved access card management.

New Kisi hardware #

Kisi’s hardware expert, Louis, shares details on the latest Kisi product - Kisi Controller Pro 2 and Wiegand board bundle. It helps companies with outdated legacy systems to migrate to Kisi - a cloud-based access control solution and get all the advantages of modern systems with minimal cost and migration efforts.

Customers transition with zero downtime by using their existing readers and credentials without the need to pull new CAT6 wires to install new readers. Our resellers are happy to target new types of customers they previously couldn’t.

Watch the event to hear the product specs, typical customer use cases, and more about how the Wiegand board and the Controller Pro 2 work together to provide the smoothest access control migration experience.

Kisi product resources #

Kisi’s Tech Writer, Katalin, talks about product resources and how the Kisi team constantly enriches the product knowledge base. She gives an overview of Kisi’s main product resources, product documentation, updates, newsletter, help space, and what you can expect in these areas.

Kisi product documentation #

The freshly relaunched Kisi Product Documentation helps resellers learn to use Kisi to its full potential. Here you can find tutorials that empower Kisi novices to get started, how-to guides, references, and concepts.

Product updates and newsletter #

We announce the latest feature updates in the Product Updates and the monthly Kisi newsletter. They create product awareness and help partners understand the actual value of new features.

Kisi HelpSpace #

The Kisi Help Space, maintained by our support team, helps partners and users find answers to frequently asked questions and troubleshoot Kisi.

Marketing initiatives #

Rebekah, Kisi's Marketing Director, explains how to optimize your website through SEO to generate and track organic leads. She also presents how you can use Kisi to boost your marketing initiatives and expand your target market. Watch the event video to learn tricks for finding keywords and attracting the right audience.

Reseller resources #

Last but not least, our reseller expert, Nate, shares the most important reseller resources you can find on the Reseller Portal. Kisi's goal is to provide you with all the resources you need to be self-sufficient but are always here to lend a helping hand.

Every Kisi reseller has access to this gated portal which makes your job easier. For instance, if you need to register a deal or get a demo kit, the Reseller Portal automates this process. Here you can also find additional resources, like marketing materials, vertical-specific sales-pitch videos, the Kisi territory map, and the latest reseller price list.

Watch the event to hear Nate's answers on: Is licensing the same based on each door? Using existing credentials and readers, will you have mobile or Bluetooth access without Kisi readers? Is Kisi open to feedback on improving the portal? Is there any white-label possibility?


What’s next #

We had a blast connecting with our resellers during this event. We couldn't pull this off without our fantastic host Sabrina and the different Kisi experts who shared their experience and expertise. We hope you'll join us in thanking all of them. Huge thanks to all the attendees who listened, gained insights, and asked all the right questions.

Will we have a reader with a camera in the future? Is it possible to ask for a specific feature request if it's a deal breaker for a potential customer? Which readers and credentials does the new Wiegand-compatible readers support? Will a cellular option be added in the future? These are just some of the questions you asked. Watch the recording to hear what the Kisi experts answered.

If you received an invite, but couldn't make it, check your email for the link to rewatch the recording. If you still haven't partnered with Kisi, reach out to us. Fill out this form to become a Kisi reseller and watch the event while our team takes care of your application.

Feel free to contact us with any additional questions. We can't wait to see you at the next one and hear what kind of topics you would like to see us address in future partner events.

Vera Eftimovska

Senior Content Strategist at Kisi, eager to craft the next access control story. Connecting people and spaces with person-centered yet reliable, data-based security content.

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