Kisi Employee Spotlight | Kisi culture

Meet Bryce Kintigh, Product Support Specialist at Kisi

Bryce Kintigh is Kisi’s Product Support Specialist. Read more about his Kisi experience, the typical work day, motivation, and his unusual hobby.

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Bryce Kintigh employee spotlight

Updated on April 08, 2024

Written by Vera Eftimovska

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Name: Bryce Kintigh

Department: Support

Title: Product Support Specialist

Location: Kansas, USA

Please describe your role at Kisi:

I wear many hats at Kisi. Everything from answering the phone for Support inquiries, troubleshooting wiring and product configuration issues to onboarding new customers.

What does a typical day in your role look like?

There is no “typical” day at Kisi. Agility is key - I have to be ready for anything. Most often, I’m working to solve Support inquiries and helping installers virtually with their on-site projects and questions.

What is one of your favorite memories from working at Kisi so far?

I answered a call one morning, and it was from a customer just up the road. He and I know people in common - it just shows how small the world really is.

Kisi defines its values as Forward, Human, Trusted, and Responsible. Which one resonates with you the most and why?

Human - I am a communicator. I want to understand what the customer is experiencing, why they are having trouble and quickly find a solution. Empathizing with their situation is key.

What would you like to tell future possible teammates about your team?

Be as flexible as possible, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. We’ve all been there and we can all learn collectively from good thought-provoking questions.

How would you describe the culture at Kisi?

Kisi is diverse. Having employees from every corner of the world - Kisi is a fun place to work with a wide variety of backgrounds that bring worldly views into our workplace.

If you could go back and give yourself a piece of advice when you were starting out in your career, what would it be?

Have as much patience as possible. Agility is pertinent. And of course, expect the unexpected.

Share a fun fact about yourself:

In my free time, I am a storm chaser, mostly interested in severe weather and tornadoes. My live video feed is shared live on TV and they even let me share my storm play-by-play for a large audience to follow.

What is your current favorite TV show?

Any TV show with some sort of Nat-Geo type feel - the earth, the solar system, volcanoes, tornadoes, etc - always gets my attention!

What can you typically be found doing on the weekend?

I often take road trips to see friends and family, attend football games in the fall, and of course storm chase during the Spring!

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Vera Eftimovska

Senior Content Strategist at Kisi, eager to craft the next access control story. Connecting people and spaces with person-centered yet reliable, data-based security content.

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