Formerly Martial Arts on Rails


Kisi integrates with Gymdesk to streamlining your access control and door access, and connect it to your memberships and members’ payment status. Keep track of and control member’s access to your gym, and have it update automatically with your members’ membership status.

Streamlined & Safe Gym Member Experiences

Create a modern, frictionless access experience through Kisi’s smartphone-based key system instead of easily-lost key cards and fobs. Control what areas of your gym are accessible and who can access them. Customize these access profiles based on member or user type.

Members are automatically onboarded on Kisi when they sign-up through Gymdesk and start a membership. And because everything is automatic, you can allow 24/7 gym access to members without sacrificing security.

How the Integration Works

In your Gymdesk account, visit the “Integrations'' page under the “Gym” menu. Click on “Connect Kisi Account” then enter your Kisi API key.

Integration Preview

You can then set which doors to grant access to through Gymdesk, and you can enable access to all your existing members in bulk.

Once your Kisi account is connected, members will be provisioned access automatically when they start a membership. If their membership expires or is canceled, or they’re overdue on their payments, the system will deactivate their access. You can also control member’s access manually from their profile


A Typical Gymdesk Use-Case with Kisi

Our gyms place Kisi Readers on the doors that provide access to the facility. Door access can then be managed through their membership on Gymdesk. This allows you to grant access to your facility without you being present, and take away that access when a member leaves your gym or defaults on their payments without manual intervention being required.

Integration Benefits

  • Increase revenue with 24/7 access, potentially maintain fewer staff
  • Streamline access control by automatically granting permissions based on membership status
  • Revoke access to non-paying members automatically
  • Gymdesk automatically syncs with Kisi, streamlining new member onboarding
  • Easily integrate security cameras into your Kisi systems for greater safety and ease of investigation
  • Investigate incidents and audit access events easily using Kisi’s Events Export

Navigate to Kisi documentation for the integration guide.

Access Control for Fitness and Wellness Facilities

Kisi keeps your space running smoothly and securely.