

Effortlessly manage how employees gain access to the office with the combination of OfficeSpace’s Safeguard and Kisi. Safeguard has been proven to help keep the office safe with a questionnaire asking employees health and safety information prior to checking into their desk. With the integration of Kisi, you can now enable badge access once an employee passes their Safeguard form.

Example use-case: Preventing a variant cluster

With the evolving nature of COVID, new variants are causing concerns for businesses that are back in the office. Today, an employee of yours woke up with some coughing and lack of taste but thought nothing of it while drinking their morning coffee while driving to the office.

When they arrive at the office to check into their desk using OfficeSpace, they begin answering the Safeguard questionnaire. They note that they have been coughing and have a lack of taste. Safeguard automatically notifies the employee that they may have COVID, and restricts access to the workspace with the Kisi integration.

An example of an OfficeSpace Safeguard questionnaire

By notifying the employee of the risk, they go to the doctor and identify they have COVID early. And since their access to the office was automatically restricted, you avoided a variant outbreak among your team.

How it works

  • Define a group of employees that will be in scope for the integration and set their status to “Suspend Access.”
  • OfficeSpace will verify that users completing a Safeguard form are members of this group prior to affecting their access status. This allows companies to exclude some users from the integration.
  • Users included in the integration must pass the Safeguard form to be granted access to the office. Badge access is enabled until the end of the day. If employees do not complete or fail the Safeguard form, their badge access is left disabled, and they are unable to enter the building(s).


  • Easily enforce evolving health standards of your spaces
  • Create safer, more hygienic workspaces
  • Automatically restrict access based on transmissible illness
  • Eliminate the need for manual questionnaires


  • Kisi account
  • OfficeSpace account