Here’s all you need to know about multi-door access control system

Read about the two main components of multi-door access control system, their prices, and figure out if you should start with a multi-door system.

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What are the components of a multi-door access control system?

Multi-door access control systems, also called smart or mobile access control systems, include a wide range of components that can be split into two groups. The first is access control system infrastructure and the second includes the access control peripherals. Despite the division, all components can be organized and combined in a comprehensive multi-door solution managed from a central point of control, such as a mobile application.

Unlike standalone units, mobile access control combines multiple access points such as doors, windows, and smart cabinet locks. It can also vary the software solution by offering on-site or cloud storage and management. Diverse card readers can be integrated into the app access control system to secure separate access levels for many areas, for different persons and with various technologies.

1. Mobile Access Control System Infrastructure

Components of the app access control that meet the criteria of modern electronic access control are typically comprised of:

- Smartphone Access Control

- App access control panel

- Mobile application

- Cloud services for backup storage, support and security

Compared to conventional models, the main infrastructure of electronic access control systems includes fewer components because it is based on smart technology. All it takes is a smartphone and several electronic door locks and readers to make the system work. However, these systems are highly customizable with peripherals in order to meet customer needs in modern housing and work facilities.

mobile app
mobile access control can be integrated with multiple technologies

Multi-door access control systems can function without the mobile app by controlling them from one central location (for example, the security guard room), but in this case, the advantages of the technology are restricted to smaller spaces and one location.

2. Mobile App Access Control Peripherals

Access control points (door locks, windows, smart locks, cabinet locks and doors)Sensors or detectors (fire, motion, smoke) Communication devices (USB, wireless-based)Readers (proximity, smartphone credentials, biometric, magnetic stripe, smart card)Credentials (swipe cards, smart cards, key fobs, NFC/RFID tags, biometric features, smartphone codes)Long-range transmitters and receivers

Although all above components can be integrated into multi-door access control systems, a common residential or business choice is to use the mobile app access control for locking and unlocking multiple doors remotely by having smartphone code readers installed at each access control point.

How does it differ from a single-door access control system?

Mobile access control has a number of advantages that makes it easy to install and configure. They can connect to a network and to any reader, offering cost-effectiveness for large areas, multi-story buildings and remote locations (for example, company branches, hotels, and various business units that must be dispersed geographically).

The single-door access control system integrates the reader, the control panel and the access point in one unit at a single location. To connect the single stand-alone units to a larger network, the vendor would have to use additional transmitters and receivers or wired technologies. This factor raises the costs for a client who wants to upgrade a single-door access control system.

In contrast, multi-door access control has an almost unlimited scalability or is as limited as the capacity of the mobile network. Mobile app access control can include several locations, work on the go, and manage smart home appliances. It enables immediate remote response to a threat, unlike single-door access, where the person in charge needs to be at the physical location to enable or disable the device.

Overall, multi-door access control systems are of benefit for clients over single-door access because of:

Possibility for remote management of granted access to more doors at onceAdded security with data encryption on the mobile deviceLow power usageSimple integration with access control peripheralsRemote tracking of event logs Immediate changes even when not in the vicinity of the control panel

What are the various prices for multi-door systems in the market?

Multi-door access control systems on the market come in diverse kits, each of them including various components and peripherals. Since app access control is highly scalable when integrated into a multi-door access control system, many vendors use suites or provide quotes on the basis of initial needs-based assessment. It is not uncommon for the support and maintenance services to come as 1, 3 or 3-year contracts or monthly subscriptions. Modular mobile access control is backed up by the vendor’s cloud services.

Some of the mobile access control components and peripherals on the market are sold at the following prices:

- Touchscreen smart lock (for Apple HomeKit via Apple HomePod or Apple TV): 229$

- Bluetooth smart access control kits: $119.99

- Smart lock deadbolt 02 (works with Amazon Alexa and Google Home): $199

- Wireless Bluetooth controller for an electric door lock opener by mobile app: $42.99

- Access control keypad RFID-based $39.99

- Garage door opener and camera kit: $127.54

- Proximity cards (packs of 25 to 100): as low as $40 to $60 to as high as $130

- Proximity readers: from $130 to $430

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Multi-door System vs. Single-Door System and Upgrade

Single-door and multi-door access control systems fulfill a different set of needs for businesses. There are plenty of factors at play that could affect your decision or choice, and they depend on what is the size of our company, do you plan on expanding the business soon, and what kind of support is provided by the access control vendors in your area.

The needs of a small local bakery would be at the opposite end of the spectrum of the needs of a billion-dollar corporation. You may secure one door to a family owned business with a standalone unit, but if you need to connect and oversee a distributed team, you’ll have better use of an app access control system for multiple locations.

The type of business matters, too; some businesses require security standardization. It will be impossible to suffice all standards with a single door access. On top of all technical advantages, the mobile access control systems can issue reports and serve as a tracking tool for several departments at once. Therefore, they can significantly cut costs by automating these operations.

The short answer to the above question would be that the smaller the business is, the more simple the access control system is. The long answer to the same question would depend on whether you are happy to have only one door protected against intruders or you’d rather enjoy the possibility to:

Manage and control the system in real time from our mobileInstall long-range anti-theft readersSwitch access control locationIntegrate a number of different readers, external alarms and sensors, and a CCTV system Support various types of access points (doors and windows, parking gates, cabinets and lockers)Use diverse power supplyProgram access control at over 100 doors at on go

Mobile app access control providers offer support and maintenance as package solutions. It is best if you plan the budget upfront based on needs assessment. In this way, you will be able to come up with the best option for your business.

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