What exactly is Access Control as a Service?

Since Access Control System has long been a physical security cornerstone, some providers are doing 'Access Control as a Service' or ACaaS.

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What is Access Control as a Service?

Access Control System prevents unauthorized entry and enables company management to put restrictions on what premises personnel has access to depending on their role within a company. Whether we are talking about warehouse complexes, parking lots, garages , hotels, educational institutions or business centers, they all have Access Control implemented. Turnstiles, swipe cards, video intercoms and alarm systems constitute part of Access Control. As digital technology evolves, AcaaS takes security to a new level.

AcaaS stands for Access Control as a Service. It applies Software as a Service (SaaS) technology and, thus, is cloud-based. While all the access control hardware remains onsite, software and servers are removed from a company’s premises and are stored at powerful data-centers. Providers of security as a service charge their clients a monthly fee on a per-door or a per-user basis.

‍Example of an integrated Access control as a Service

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The Benefits of ACaaS

Compared to traditional access control, Access Control as a Service has a number of advantages:

1. Because all the information is stored at remote servers, and there is no need for installing one at your premises, AcaaS is considerably cheaper than legacy access control.

2. You can manage access control from any corner of the world as long as you have access to the Internet.

3. It is an irreplaceable centralized tool for monitoring multiple offices. Information received from all the facilities and all the branches is stored at one single place, and 24/7 access to this information is provided.

4. System availability is supported round the clock by engineering personnel, and hardly any small business can boast 24/7 onsite presence of support in case of traditional access control.

5. By implementing cloud-based security as a service you get a scalable and flexible solution: you can add more doors , assign cardholders different levels of access without the need of changing hardware or obtaining extra software.

6. Although there’s concern over possible hacker attacks, AcaaS uses secure encryptions, so you don’t have to worry about safety.

7. Some AcaaS require hardly any hardware. Employees get access to certain facilities by downloading a mobile app. Thanks to the mobile credentials that send a signal to a door controller staff members can enter an office they are permitted to.

8. Access Control as a Service enables you to receive a comprehensive security as a service. You can integrate alarm system, video surveillance, intrusion detection, etc.

By implementing Access control as a service, not only do you enhance your security and minimize upfront costs associated with purchase of servers needed for traditional access control but also simplify your operations and save time on monitoring activity of your multiple offices.

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